Fayum portraits
These amazing works of art, which are often called “icons before icon painting”, are not just historical values. They can serve as a magnificent and impressive illustration of the mutual…

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We continue a series of author interviews from representatives of the newly inspired team of the Odessa Art Museum: the curator Masha Zeloleva and PR-shchika Hera Grudeva. As part of…

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Modern: Russian names.
In every country, modernity had its own name, face, and character. In Russia, the style was called art nouveau, and its representatives skillfully interweaved folklore and that mysterious Russian soul…


PORTRAITS as a mirror of the soul
Portrait is a realistic genre depicting a person or a group of people existing in reality. The portrait - in French reading - portrait, from the old French portraire -…



Without red sad palette. Color as a symbol in painting
It is impossible not to notice. He is one of the most preferred and expressive. He - the first in the history of art, not to mention the chromatic scale.…


Transmuseum by Igor Gusev in OXM
In October 2018, the Odessa Art Museum opened the Transmuseum experimental project of the artist Igor Gusev, which became an artistic intervention in the museum exhibition of classical art. Getting…
