Fascinated by the magic of film from childhood, Konstantin Gribov from an early age realized that he wanted to link his life with photography. He works in different genres, and…

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The head of the studio and the news presenter on the Kultura TV channel, the winner of the TEFI award Vladislav Flyarkovsky is an experienced photographer. He has been engaged…

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French photographer Christophe Jacques chooses an unusual time for his work. These are moments when the city is dominated by heavy rain; when the world outside the window, through which…


In the life of modern man is not so much holidays. But you want to keep pleasant memories, you want to return to them and experience again and again ...…



The young Ukrainian artist Oleg Oprisko early connected his life with photography and formed his own easily recognizable style. He uses only the film technique and carefully thinks through the formulation of each frame.
– Oleg, hello! When did you first think that you want to link your life with a photo?
– Good day! From the age of sixteen I worked in a photo lab, regularly communicated with professional photographers, first saw the developed films and printed pictures. By age I thought that photographers were very free and happy people; The desire to photograph arose as a result of the desire for the best.
staged photography, Oleg oprisco photographer, genre photography
– How long have you started taking pictures?
– In the direction that you and the readers know, I have been shooting for a little over three years.
staged photography, Oleg oprisco photographer, genre photography
– Initially, you started photographing in order to express yourself creatively, or to find a way to earn money?
– The desire to earn a favorite thing, being independent from customers, has always been. But before coming to this goal, I experienced a period of routine (weddings, low-budget advertising, portfolios, and so on). Fortunately, the understanding that there is very little creativity here came very quickly.
staged photography, Oleg oprisco photographer, genre photography
– Have you studied photography yourself or professionally?
– Fortunately, on their own. Even now, conducting master classes, I convince students of the importance of self-education, constant analysis of the work done and work on themselves.
staged photography, Oleg oprisco photographer, genre photography
– Remember your first photo, which was of great importance to you?
– Of course I remember. Photo of a girl in the subway. Then PhotoSight.ru was very popular. Before bed, I uploaded a photo, and the next morning I saw that the photo was the best for a day, almost five hundred people on the site added me to their favorite authors, and more than a hundred people added me to ICQ. Now even remember funny, but then it was a landmark event.
staged photography, Oleg oprisco photographer, genre photography
– Which genre of photography is most interesting to you?
– Staged genre portrait: the direction in which I work.
staged photography, Oleg oprisco photographer, genre photography
– How would you define your style in photography?
– The original idea, the harmony of all elements of the frame, plus an interesting color scheme.
staged photography, Oleg oprisco photographer, genre photography
– Can you describe your creative vision? What feelings are you trying to convey in your photos?
– First of all, this mood and atmosphere. It is important for me that the viewer feels the effect of presence and perceives the photo individually, depending on his development and thinking.
staged photography, Oleg oprisco photographer, genre photography
– I try to build on the concept of shooting, but there are also opposite cases.
staged photography, Oleg oprisco photographer, genre photography
– Where do you find inspiration and sources of ideas for your photos?
– In life around. I like to watch, look for something unusual in the most ordinary situations.
staged photography, Oleg oprisco photographer, genre photography
– How important is photoshop in your work?
– In every frame there is a retouch of dust and scratches, color correction and toning.
staged photography, Oleg oprisco photographer, genre photography
– What type of technology – digital, analog – do you prefer and which manufacturer? Do you use fully digital or analog technology?
– I use only film technology: the Kiev-6S and Kiev-88 cameras, as well as the optical park for this bayonet: 90 mm f / 2.8, 120 mm f / 2.8 and 300 mm f / 4.
staged photography, Oleg oprisco photographer, genre photography
– Why do you prefer film technique? Do you use graphic editors?
– This is a matter of taste and convenience. Once the transition to the film helped to feel the value of each individual frame, made more time to devote to the preparation for shooting. A limited number of frames is very disciplined. Even now I try not to spend on shooting more than one film roll (12 frames). After scanning, photos are processed in Photoshop.
staged photography, Oleg oprisco photographer, genre photography
– What do you first want to train visitors to your master classes?
– The state of constant search and development, thinking, free from other people’s images, and, of course, the ability to earn creativity.
staged photography, Oleg oprisco photographer, genre photography
– What goal in photography would you like to achieve?
– This is personal. In general terms: I want to further develop, become more complex and more interesting.
staged photography, Oleg oprisco photographer, genre photography

The shell is a symbol in art: the blessed gift of the seas ...
Shells, melancholy collected on the shore under the gentle splashing of the waves - the main souvenir, which is usually brought from the sea. Having become more mature, we appreciate…


Romanian photographer Codrin Lupey began photographing 11 years ago when his daughter was born. “At that time, I could not have imagined that the photo would open up a whole…
