Without red sad palette. Color as a symbol in painting
It is impossible not to notice. He is one of the most preferred and expressive. He - the first in the history of art, not to mention the chromatic scale.…

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The shell is a symbol in art: the blessed gift of the seas ...
Shells, melancholy collected on the shore under the gentle splashing of the waves - the main souvenir, which is usually brought from the sea. Having become more mature, we appreciate…

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Pleated fabric. Draperies as a symbol in art
Folded fabric as a visual code accumulates a powerful expressive power. Since the beginnings of classical sculpture, drapery has been a powerful visual tool. In the Middle Ages, it appeared…


Classicism: antiquity as a standard
Classicism firmly established in the 17th century European art, having surrendered its position only in the first third of the next century. The classicists worshiped antiquity, piously believed in the…


great artists

Fountain as a symbol in art: Farewell, fountain of tears! Long live, source of joy!

Fountains are not ugly. For the people of the Ancient world, the civilizations of the Mediterranean and Asia, this hydraulic device was vital. Both the poor and the rich equally needed water and everyone reached for the source … The artists did not cheat the decorated source with their attention and it took its place among the picturesque codes. Let’s try to decipher the secret signs of the past and their transformation. So, familiar to all the fountain, as a symbol in the painting.
Strong vertical washstand Continue reading


We continue a series of author interviews from representatives of the newly inspired team of the Odessa Art Museum: the curator Masha Zeloleva and PR-shchika Hera Grudeva. As part of the project, our heroes, who are directly part of the Ukrainian art sphere, share their thoughts on contemporary art, its role in Ukrainian society and the iconic works of the Odessa Art Museum. This time Masha Zeloeva spoke with artist Dima Mykytenko, who in his works combines arbitrary forms with graphic elements, creating his own visual poetry. Continue reading


Double exposure as one of the ways to create a multi-valued frame, resembling either a dream or a mixture of realities, has always attracted photographers. Intentional vagueness, allegorical and even mysticism are the characteristic features of such works. We represent 15 authors working in this genre.
Another French photographer, Jean Baudrillard, said: “If there is no such ambiguity, this tremor, if the action is completely mechanistic, if the system is unmistakably focused, then we will be on the verge of insanity. Continue reading

Zewar Fadhil is a talented photographer from Iraq, a country that in recent decades is not the best place for a photo artist. Nevertheless, he is an example of the…


Margarita Kareva began studying photography relatively recently - only about two years ago. Now her portfolio is already a gallery of unique images - magical, beautiful, vivid and memorable. Margarita…
