Romanian photographer Codrin Lupey began photographing 11 years ago when his daughter was born. “At that time, I could not have imagined that the photo would open up a whole…

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1. For every potential (and real) buyer of a visual work of art (in our case, photography) thousands of images fall down every day. And even despite the constant growth…

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Modern: Russian names.
In every country, modernity had its own name, face, and character. In Russia, the style was called art nouveau, and its representatives skillfully interweaved folklore and that mysterious Russian soul…


PORTRAITS as a mirror of the soul
Portrait is a realistic genre depicting a person or a group of people existing in reality. The portrait - in French reading - portrait, from the old French portraire -…




The young Ukrainian artist Oleg Oprisko early connected his life with photography and formed his own easily recognizable style. He uses only the film technique and carefully thinks through the formulation of each frame.
– Oleg, hello! When did you first think that you want to link your life with a photo?
– Good day! From the age of sixteen I worked in a photo lab, regularly communicated with professional photographers, first saw the developed films and printed pictures. By age I thought that photographers were very free and happy people; The desire to photograph arose as a result of the desire for the best.
staged photography, Oleg oprisco photographer, genre photography Continue reading


Romualdas Pozherskis – Honored Worker of Culture of Lithuania, a member of the Union of Lithuanian Photographers and the International Federation of FIAP, winner of the Alfred Toefler Award for his contribution to the development and preservation of the cultural heritage of Central and Western Europe. Creativity Romualdasa has long been recognized as a classic of photography and the highest level of photography. Sincere, sincere and open, he told us about his understanding of art and creative ways.
– Romualdas, hello! Just want to say thank you so much for taking the time to talk with us! Please tell us when you started taking pictures? If we talk about the very first attempts, even before the events of 1972 in Kaunas?
– This is a very interesting topic. Continue reading

The art of black and white photography

Any photographer tries to stand out among his colleagues. Some go along an alternative path, preferring minimalism in their work. Sometimes such a person can pick up a smartphone and limit it to them. There are many cases where such people have achieved success. Their pictures from Instagram fell on the exhibition, won prizes. It is believed that these people shoot in the genre of “Mobilografiya.” Another example of minimalism is the art of black and white photography. To obtain such images do not require smart photo equipment. Continue reading

Pleated fabric. Draperies as a symbol in art
Folded fabric as a visual code accumulates a powerful expressive power. Since the beginnings of classical sculpture, drapery has been a powerful visual tool. In the Middle Ages, it appeared…


The work of the English photographer Michael Kenna is famous for the whole world. His black and white landscapes are majestic, silent, quiet, mysterious and unique in their ability to…
