The Odessa Art Museum in partnership with the National Art Museum of Ukraine and with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation presents the project “Special Fund: Repressed Art”. The…

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AI Trading Platform
Zewar Fadhil is a talented photographer from Iraq, a country that in recent decades is not the best place for a photo artist. Nevertheless, he is an example of the…

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The absolute champion in the size of composite photos is NASA. In 2014, the agency published a 681-gigapixel panorama of the moon. On June 18, 2009, NASA launched the Lunar…


Behind the creation of each picture is a unique story. And in the “Pic of the Week” column, Styleinsider continues to talk about famous canvases. And today we will tell…


The art of digital photography

Now the situation has changed. Every person has a camera. Many have a smartphone with an integrated camera in their pocket. This divided the photograph into two types: reportage photography was added to the art. The second category includes frames that do not represent artistic value. These are pictures from real life, which are not improved by means of all sorts of filters. Art photography has also undergone some changes. With the advent of digital cameras and smartphones, many new genres have been discovered. Significantly simplified photo processing tools. If earlier it was necessary to achieve with the help of lighting and background, now Photoshop and light filters come to the rescue.
Photographs are constantly becoming much more accessible. But the number of talented photographers is growing very slowly. All because not everyone is able to grasp the art of photography. Even the works of great artists are not appreciated by all. What can we say about photography … Making a beautiful picture has always been difficult. Not every camera owner is trying to achieve a great composition. And without such a frame, in any case, it loses its artistic value. To get high-quality photos, you need to love this business. It is necessary to practice, doing dozens and even hundreds of pictures every day, as well as getting acquainted with the works of famous photographers. It is also necessary to delve into the subtleties of the camera, which also not everyone wants to spend their time on. Because of all this, the Internet is flooded with photos that do not cause any interest in the viewer. As a home photo, they are quite suitable, but no more.
The art of digital photography
You can make an expressive photo even with the help of a regular smartphone. But such a frame will be a rare good luck photographer. It is impossible in this way to put the production of artistic photography on the stream. Any professional photographer acquires a large number of equipment. In some cases, it is required only to save time. But time is money. All photographers want to earn a large amount in less time.
Technique and art of photography in the modern world are inextricably linked. The main assistant to the photographer is a computer that works with Windows or Mac OS X. It will always have a graphic editor installed, in which the images are brought to mind. No camera takes flawless shots, so you should get rid of technical flaws (vignetting, grain, moire). When shooting a photo model, her skin is also subjected to processing, which is then cleared of defects.
The camera professionals are most often selected mirror. Canon, Nikon, Pentax and Sony are now involved in the production of such devices. If we talk about the art of photography for beginners, then more is needed. You can take a “whale” lens and start shooting. Some shots will be very impressive, which is not a sin to be called artistic. But their creation will have to spend all their strength. Or with might and main to work in “Photoshop”. That is why the most famous photographers are not limited to a computer and a single SLR camera. An additional lens is purchased. And not one, for shooting different genres requires its own optics. In the city park, you can try to use an ultra-wide-angle lens, which will allow the viewer to view the entire surrounding space in the photograph. When studio shooting can not do without a portrait lens. Such optics has a fixed focal length, as well as a very wide aperture. In macro photography, special lenses are also used.
Photographers often buy an extra camera. And not necessarily a DSLR. As a spare, you can use a system camera or even a compact. They have smaller dimensions, which allows you to take them for a walk or a vacation without any problems. System cameras in the future are able to completely push out SLRs, so rapidly they are developing now. Compact cameras, on the contrary, have reached their peak. With their help, the art of digital photography is recommended to comprehend only beginners. The quality of the pictures at the same time will not be the most impressive, and the beautiful bokeh using such devices is not achieved.

The Odessa Art Museum in partnership with the National Art Museum of Ukraine and with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation presents the project “Special Fund: Repressed Art”. The…


The young Moscow photographer Anna Yermolova is one of those people who consider photography as their profession, so she began with a serious special education. By the way, she only…
