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PORTRAITS as a mirror of the soul
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Romanian photographer Codrin Lupey began photographing 11 years ago when his daughter was born. “At that time, I could not have imagined that the photo would open up a whole world before me,” he says now that the photo has become, in his own words, a way of expressing deep spiritual quest.
“Photography is something magical … Before, I could not even think of it.”
Having taken up the study of photography exclusively for the soul, now Codrin does not represent his life without it: it has become for him a part of his personal creative path, on which one can take “only alone.” For the first time, Codrin Lupéi encountered a photograph as a child when he watched his father showing fingerprints. In addition to the Nikon D200 camera, the photographer calls his Lansbaby lenses, which, according to him, provided him with all the opportunities to implement his ideas.
“Honesty is one of the most important things you need to learn and observe in life. Therefore, I must say that I do not consider myself a photographer. I’m just a simple person who sometimes manages to express something with a camera. ”
To create photographs, Codrin needs a special mood, inspiration. He says that there are such days when there is not the slightest desire to touch the camera. Sometimes it takes time for Codrin to create one job. “Each photo must have its time” – the photographer is convinced.
The paintings of Codrin Lüpey are distinguished by a special style, thanks to which they stand out sharply from the rest. He is firmly convinced that there is no need to leave in an effort to make beautiful shots in exotic countries: “We can create paintings through our own imagination.”
“My topics are simple: These are the most common things that always surround us: water, leaves, roads, and much more that we usually do not notice. I am fascinated by the diversity of the faces of the sky, the innumerable forms that clouds take, the changing reflections in the lakes, the forest smell … ”, the photographer tells about the sources of his inspiration. Music, books, art help, that is, everything that is capable of influencing a person, and, mixing, to be embodied in creativity help him to become more sensitive to the world around him.
“Photography seems to me a means of liberation. At least in my case, this is exactly the case, ”the photographer thinks.
“For me, photography is very personal.”
Codrin rarely participates in exhibitions and contests. Photography for him is akin to the process of self-knowledge, for him the embodiment of his own ideas is more important: “You can’t share your thoughts, fears and pain with everyone … Photography allows you to do this. I think part of me lives in my paintings. ”
At the same time, he does not deny that praise and recognition is always a pleasure. In his opinion, the Internet is useful for the modern photographer, since virtual communication allows you to successfully interact with the audience, receive a response, and therefore an incentive to move on.
“A not so clear picture suggests something much bigger.”
Everyone who saw the work of Codrin Lupey, noted a certain “fragmentation” and polysemy. The author himself believes that these characteristics give the photo a powerful force of influence.
He leaves behind every viewer the right to own interpretation of his photographs. “In the photo, everyone sees what he wants to hear, learn or learn,” says Codrin.
“Fragments, fragments, fragments, pieces – it is almost always an“ invitation ”to search for something new and unfamiliar. What was, what will be, what will be our role in the future, in the next life, or, we will just be spectators … “. With these thoughts lives the photographer Codrin Lüpey. With them, he will embody his new ideas and move on.

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