Fountain as a symbol in art: Farewell, fountain of tears! Long live, source of joy!
Fountains are not ugly. For the people of the Ancient world, the civilizations of the Mediterranean and Asia, this hydraulic device was vital. Both the poor and the rich equally…

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Iconography: to see the invisible
From ancient times, icon painting served as a “language for the illiterate” —a special language with its own rules and symbolism. For centuries, master-icon painters have brought it to perfection,…

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The young Ukrainian artist Oleg Oprisko early connected his life with photography and formed his own easily recognizable style. He uses only the film technique and carefully thinks through the…


Both in painting and photography one of the most difficult genres is still life. The author here has to deal with a closed space, a relatively poor set of expressive…



Without red sad palette. Color as a symbol in painting

It is impossible not to notice. He is one of the most preferred and expressive. He – the first in the history of art, not to mention the chromatic scale. He attracted attention to himself since ancient times: and because these are the properties of his nature and of human nature; and because it is associated with such vital concepts as blood and fire. Having absorbed natural meanings, red does not part with them throughout the entire history of mankind.
Ever since antiquity, red has been expressing mostly positive values, but it is also not necessary to discount the coded signals of danger and pain coded in it.
For example, in ancient Egypt, red absorbed the qualities of an uninhabited and barren land and therefore became the color of evil. It is for this reason that Seth, the brother and murderer of Osiris, was painted with red ocher. The same color was used to write words that carried unkind omens. Continue reading

Retro-style photography never goes out of style. Proof of this are the works of the famous Russian art-photographer Vladimir Klaviho-Telepnev. Photo assembly - a fresh interpretation of half-forgotten truths, a…


Without red sad palette. Color as a symbol in painting
It is impossible not to notice. He is one of the most preferred and expressive. He - the first in the history of art, not to mention the chromatic scale.…
