Ernst Haas is a famous photojournalist of the last century who made a huge contribution to the development and recognition of color photography. The best characteristic of this man probably…

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Margarita Kareva began studying photography relatively recently - only about two years ago. Now her portfolio is already a gallery of unique images - magical, beautiful, vivid and memorable. Margarita…

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PORTRAITS as a mirror of the soul
Portrait is a realistic genre depicting a person or a group of people existing in reality. The portrait - in French reading - portrait, from the old French portraire -…


French photographer Christophe Jacques chooses an unusual time for his work. These are moments when the city is dominated by heavy rain; when the world outside the window, through which…



Classicism: antiquity as a standard

Classicism firmly established in the 17th century European art, having surrendered its position only in the first third of the next century. The classicists worshiped antiquity, piously believed in the idea of ​​the order and logic of the universe, as well as in the limitless possibilities of the human mind.
The time of occurrence, landmarks and artists of classicism
Classicism appeared and was formed in the XVII century. in France, the heyday of absolute monarchy and subsequently spread to Spain, Germany, England, the Netherlands, the USA and Russia, where it arose in the process of Europeanization under Catherine II, who introduced the fashion to everything French. Continue reading

Gothic: the whole mystic of the Middle Ages
Gothic originated in the middle of the XII century in northern France, in the XIII century, spread to the territory of modern Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, Spain, England, and…


Fayum portraits
These amazing works of art, which are often called “icons before icon painting”, are not just historical values. They can serve as a magnificent and impressive illustration of the mutual…
