Modern: Russian names.
In every country, modernity had its own name, face, and character. In Russia, the style was called art nouveau, and its representatives skillfully interweaved folklore and that mysterious Russian soul…

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Modern: Russian names.
In every country, modernity had its own name, face, and character. In Russia, the style was called art nouveau, and its representatives skillfully interweaved folklore and that mysterious Russian soul…

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PORTRAITS as a mirror of the soul
Portrait is a realistic genre depicting a person or a group of people existing in reality. The portrait - in French reading - portrait, from the old French portraire -…


Fountain as a symbol in art: Farewell, fountain of tears! Long live, source of joy!
Fountains are not ugly. For the people of the Ancient world, the civilizations of the Mediterranean and Asia, this hydraulic device was vital. Both the poor and the rich equally…


many photographers


Romanian photographer Codrin Lupey began photographing 11 years ago when his daughter was born. “At that time, I could not have imagined that the photo would open up a whole world before me,” he says now that the photo has become, in his own words, a way of expressing deep spiritual quest.
“Photography is something magical … Before, I could not even think of it.” Continue reading


Photos of Vladimir Seleznev demonstrate an unusual approach to the creative process – it does not capture an interesting moment, but creates from everything that it sees around, a static plot without a moment, built on the geometry of the forms and the interrelation of colors, giving each viewer the opportunity to interpret the image for themselves.
– Vladimir, hello! Please tell us how you discovered the world of photography and how long ago did you start photographing? Continue reading

Pleated fabric. Draperies as a symbol in art
Folded fabric as a visual code accumulates a powerful expressive power. Since the beginnings of classical sculpture, drapery has been a powerful visual tool. In the Middle Ages, it appeared…


Modern: Russian names.
In every country, modernity had its own name, face, and character. In Russia, the style was called art nouveau, and its representatives skillfully interweaved folklore and that mysterious Russian soul…
