master class
Alexandra Exter: Amazon, carried away by the whirlwind of the revolution
Malevich, “inventing” Suprematism, did not let anyone into the workshop. The only exception was the avant-garde artist Alexandra Exter. Once a resident of Kiev, having moved to France, she taught at the school of Fernand Leger, created “model” clothes, and after a long oblivion her paintings are now valued “by a million.” Our small excursion is on the Kiev routes of the “Amazon of the Russian avant-garde”.
“Kiev artists are primarily not artists, but some people without any taste, for whom, judging by their works, the drawings on the candy boxes represent an unattainable ideal,” Alexandra Exter wrote these words when she visited one of the city’s art exhibitions in 1912 year Continue reading
Margarita Kareva began studying photography relatively recently – only about two years ago. Now her portfolio is already a gallery of unique images – magical, beautiful, vivid and memorable. Margarita told us about her understanding of creativity and the genre of artistic production photography in a special interview.
– Margarita, hello! Please tell us how long have you been shooting and how did you discover a photo?
– It all started very unexpectedly: two years ago, my husband for the new year gave me a Canon 500D reflex camera. A couple of months later I signed up for a basic course at a local photo school. Continue reading